Saturday, June 29, 2013

GIF Party #2

If you enjoyed the first GIF Party, here is a sequel! Because nothing represents true emotions more accurately than slow-loading, Harry-Potter-esque pictures.

By the way, "jif" and "gif" are both correct pronunciations.

You, too, can prevent the slaughter of innocent interneters by misinformed pseudo-grammar-Nazis.

Source: realitytvgifs

When you read certain female statuses on Facebook:

When something on your computer won't load:
Me watching Princesses of Long Island.

Reading the posts on this blog:
Me watching Princesses of Long Island.

Doing homework:
Me watching Princesses of Long Island.

Most attempts at social interaction:
Me watching Princesses of Long Island.

Walking around the house when your clothes actually look good:
Throwback Thursday: You’re lucky that shit didn’t hit me, bitch.

Trying to prove than you can be a fun person:

Rage quitting:

Enjoy loveliness and remember to muse!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

GIF Party!

 Source of GIFs: realitytvgifs

Hi kids it's time for some GIFs!

Because there's no better way to express the complex inner feelings of a frequenter of the internet than through animated, slow-loading pictures.

Hey, have you realized that GIFs are the modern-day version of Harry Potter photos?
*GASP* realization. Go tell your friends.
Anyway. It's GIF time.

When you write a new piece that actually makes sense:

Doing battle with the voices inside your head:

When your favorite song comes on:

When someone tries to be insulting using unintelligent language:

When bad guys in movies get beat up:

Just, you know, every day:

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Piecewise Poem Final Product

Hi friends :)

A few days ago I posted a Piecewise Poem prompt, challenging you all to create a poem using these fourteen words:

the, washed, sand, crumbles, stand, the, footprints, you, earth, in, away, slowly, in, place
*Note- "the" was replaced by "place" since the original post on June 12th. 

Creds to Cat for giving it a shot and creating a lovely piece of poetry.
Here's what I came up with:

The earth slowly crumbles in the place you stand,
Footprints washed away in sand. 

If you haven't tried it yet, give this piecewise poem a shot! It's challenging, but fun. 

Enjoy loveliness and remember to muse! 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Write It! Piecewise Poem

Hello artists and stumbling creators of the internet!

Let's try something new today. Let's actually write poetry using something even more concrete than a thought-provoker (if you don't know what those are, read the older posts on my blog).

I remember in my first high school English class ever, one of our first assignments was to create a poem using 14 words.

apparition, faces, the, petals, wet, black, these, of, a, bough, crowd, in, the, on

Kids came up with all sorts of things, from wet faces to black petals. My own poem was almost exactly like the original, oddly enough-- "In a Station of the Metro", by Ezra Pound.


The apparition of these faces in the crowd;
Petals on a wet, black bough.
— Ezra Pound

Let's do that today with our own set of words. Why not? And what more appropriate way to name these verbal creations than "Piecewise Poems"? 
I am slightly mathematically inclined, if that's any indication. 


Here are today's words.

the, washed, sand, crumbles, stand, the, footprints, you, earth, in, away, slowly, in, place

Yes! 14 words, just like Ezra Pound's succinct masterpiece. 

Let me tell you, it wasn't easy finding those 14 words. 

Get thinking, interneters. Actually do this. If it seems stupid, do it anyway, because you just might surprise yourself. And if you don't, at least you'll have a nice 14-word poem at the end of it. 

I will reveal my own piecewise poem in a few days. Leave your creations down in the comments! I want to read these! :)

Enjoy loveliness and remember to muse!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Thought Provoker #6: Self-Examination

Hey guys!

Recently I've been doing some serious thinking and self-examination, and I've finally come to a conclusion; I'm obsessed with the opinions of other people. When I really thought about it, practically everything I did was to impress other people and try to gain their respect. It's kind of really bad. Like, if I have a crush on someone, and they tell me it's not mutual, but they respect me a lot as a human being, I will be happy.
It's bizarre.

What's your "thing" that you value the most in your relationships with other people? Is it credibility, trustworthiness? Generosity? Common interests? Respect, like me?

You don't have to write a sonnet about this thought provoker, or anything. Just take a little time out of your (productive, I'm sure) summer day and think about the wonderfully complicated machine that is your mind. 
I'm sure it's healthy on some level.

Enjoy loveliness and remember to muse!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Existential Crisis Time

Hi digital friends.

Now that the hype of finally being free from the delegated tedium of school has started to wear off, I'm entering the existential crisis stage of the summer. You know, that time when you're sitting on your bed happily watching old Friends episodes when suddenly your brain goes


And then the answer feels like yes.


Existential crises suck. But I feel like, at the rate of time-wasting at which modern teenagers are progressing, they are mostly justified. It's these midday heart attacks that eventually help us crawl out of our self-imposed social exile, after all.

Unless that's just me. 

However, there is a way to focus your energies towards escaping existential crises, I've realized.
Albert Einstein once said,

“If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.”

I think that's also how to live a purposeful life. Find something you love to do. Decide to pursue it. Set a goal. 
Eventually, reach that goal. 

This is sort of trite advice, I realize, but it's important to remember that goals don't have to be dead-set on some singular, life-changing passion from the get-go. 

Really though, it's okay to sit down and decide "My goal is to read 40 pages before the month ends" without having a clue as to what your life passion is. That is totally okay. Good, even. Goal-setting is a practice, and as you practice with small goals, you will eventually realize, through the directions towards which your subconciously set goals point, what you actually enjoy doing in life

I didn't realize how much I liked writing until my monthly goals constantly read "Write 4 times." "Write 5 times." "Write 10 times."

I didn't realize how much I liked learning about science until my monthly goals were "Watch 3 scishow episodes." "Watch 5 Science360 videos." 

Goal-setting is a learning experience. About self-discipline, yes, but also about yourself. About your existence. 

Goals, man. Gotta have 'em. 

Have fun this summer, you guys, and good luck with any existential crises that stop by for a visit. 
Enjoy loveliness and remember to muse. :)