Thursday, May 30, 2013

Creating in the Summer

Good morning beautiful interneters!

I thought it was time for Just Tasteful Musings to get a digital facelift. :) What do you think?

WOW IT'S FINALLY SUMMER. For those of you still struggling to scale the wall of final exams before school ends, I salute you and wish you good luck. For the rest of you, CELEBRATE! 

With summer comes the lack of school (or work) pushing you to be productive each day. The strange thing is, I've realized that not feeling obligated to be productive makes me a lot more productive than I would be otherwise. 
Like, if I try to force myself to do work, I will actively procrastinate and actually do less than I do on a day without a to-do list. It's kind of messed up. 

But it also kind of makes sense. This summer, try challenging yourself to try new things without feeling like it's necessary to fulfill a certain productivity quota. You just might surprise yourself. 

Also; after letting myself be productively unproductive for a few days, I realized the key to getting that self-satisfied feeling of actually having done something useful after you manage to not slack off. You know, that feeling of hey-I-haven't-wasted-today-maybe-there's-hope-for-me-after-all. 

^That comes from the habit of creating. First of all, if you can establish a good habit and do it at least more than once in a row, you'll start feeling good, whether it's doing five minutes of yoga or writing a page of the first thing that comes to mind. Also, create. Create something new every day, and you will continue to live purposefully. Write a poem, build a watering can out of a plastic bottle, or sing a new song. It's up to you, and that's why it's so fun. 

If you don't know where to start, here's a list of

Ways to Get Your Creative Juices Flowing This Summer:

-go on a bike ride to a different part of your neighborhood or street or city

-write in the morning-- blast some Pandora and get some words on a notebook or in a computer before your even eat breakfast (maybe even before you're dressed)

-plant something. Or replant something you found in a field. Just get your hands in the dirt and nurture something living

-try something relaxing that you've never tried before. Knit. Do yoga. Meditate.

-hit the library and browse a shelf you've never looked at before. Used to young adult? Try the adult section. Browse magazines. 

I hope you guys all find your own ways to be creative and have fun this summer. Go out there a get that feeling of accomplishment. :)

Enjoy loveliness and remember to muse!