Thursday, April 11, 2013

On Chunky Sweater Chrysalises and Being Happy

Hello my dear digital friends. :)

HAPPY SPRING! Springtime is just the best time. Aside from the pops of color in your neighbors' yards and the flowering trees that make every car ride seem like a hippie music video, even the things-that-ought-to-be-green-but-have-been-dead-all-winter are this beautiful tender shade of aliveness that's just not the same as summer's tired, dusty emerald. Plus there are no mosquitoes.

Being a citizen of the Atlanta area, I'm obliged to mention the astronomical pollen count that is about eight times what's considered to be severely hazardous. It rained today, and the gutters literally turned the color of Peeps.
It was kinda cool.

Oh and guess what it's spring break. YAYYYYY I'm so not getting done all those things I wrote down in my planner a Friday ago. 
Hello downward-spiraling toilet of procrastination! 

But times are still good; just looking out the window is an affirmation of this fact. 
ACTUALLY JK there's a huge thunderstorm going on right now. But you get me, yeah?

The start of a new season is a pretty exhilarating feeling, especially when that season is youthful, bright-faced spring. I almost feel like the weather is empowering me to shed a dusty chrysalis of chunky sweaters and emerge into the sunshine with freshly painted toes and a flowy skirt. 
You know? 

Oh and by the way, chrysalises are some of nature's finest creations. I went to Callaway Gardens yesterday, where they have a butterfly house with a chrysalis display. 


Look at those things. THEY'RE MESMERIZING. 

Anywho. I feel like a shift in the world around you, seeing everything you're surrounded with on a daily basis begin to shift every-so-slightly until the entire world looks completely different, is one of the best ways to get some perspective. 

Life is BIG. It's bigger than the minuscule problems we obsess over in our worrisome, nitpicky lives. It's not easy to do, and I myself am a culprit of hypocrisy by preaching this to you all, but we all need to learn to live our lives WITH the world we're in and not just, I dunno, ON it. 

We need to try to do more than exist. Don't shun the outdoors to finish some crazy last-minute assignment. If that's a spot you're in, take time to notice the (sucky) feeling of staying up to ungodly hours. It may seem crazy and pointless and stupid, but it's important. 

Notice yourself. Write poetry. Meditate. Take time to give time away freely to whatever whims happen to bob across your imagination. 

And somehow, you will find a way to be happy no matter what sticky situation you've put on hold to follow the instructions of a strange blogger girl. 

Go look up some chrysalises and notice the small things. :)
Enjoy loveliness and remember to muse!