Saturday, October 13, 2012

Keep on keepin' on

Ay yo interneters.

Just wanted to bring you a little bit of cheer on this lovely Friday night. Well technically it's Saturday morning. May the brain-dead-ness begin.

I just wanted to remind you that, when hardship strikes, don't resort to that curl-into-the-fetal-position-and-hope-to-disintegrate type of feeling. Because after a few weeks of constant stress, that will be what you want to do most.
Just remember that hardships define who you are. Anyone can remain cool and composed and benevolent and lovely when their life is all smiles. It's those people who can be all those things even when their lives are hell; that's what defines someone as strong. Don't you wanna be strong?

And also, don't let your mind betray you. Yeah, it does that.
It's so incredibly easy to delve into a well of self-pity when it's 1:36 am and you just start to study for your third test. Don't. Self-pity is the mother of despair. Don't bother trying to think happy thought; at that point, it will just be frustrating and difficult. Instead, just make your mind as blank as possible for a few moments, collect yourself, and return to whatever you're doing. Hey, it'll refresh you, and when the number of sleep you get each night is less than the number of pounds you're gaining, nothing is way better than whatever your mind wants to come up with.

I'm sorry. I'm moody.

Anyway, here's a little something to cheer up your weekend.

Gif of man dancing.

You rock it, interneter. You rock those hardships. :)

Enjoy loveliness and remember to muse!