Friday, February 1, 2013


Greetings earthlings!

I haven't posted in such an obscenely long amount of time that I'm not even sure how to apologize for it....SORRY SORRY SORRY! I've been negligent and careless and lazy.
But I haven't stopped writing.

Winter has brought the closest to an absolute tempest of emotion that I've ever experienced in my insubstantial life. Simply put, I hit what I think was my metaphorical rock bottom. Which is probably completely and thoroughly false and I will later scoff at my pathetic youthful self who thought one winter break gave enough wisdom for a lifetime.


I know something we all experience all too often, something I've mentioned before, is the downward-spiraling toilet of antiproductivity.

You get distracted. 

You get pulled in by your distraction.

You have no desire whatsoever to return to what you should be doing while subconciously hating yourself.

Guess what? The downward-spiraling toilet of despair has a catalyst.
Yup, there's a convenient (ha actually really INconvenient) flush handle that, once identified, can be made to be pressed less and less often.

I'm sorry, I like metaphors.

While you read this, please attempt to dispose properly of all cynicism and preconjured disbelief.
The handle that starts the toilet spiraling downward is the harmless act of indulging in a distraction at all. 

It sounds like an empty, "Gee, thanks for THAT" answer, but it's not. Trust me. The incredibly easy act of starting yourself on a path to distraction begins with simply one video view, one Tumblr browse, one cookie. The thing is, distractions are ADDICTING. After that first shot of exhilarating mindlessness, you own brain will turn against you by formulating new excuses to continue. Once you're against yourself, there's no turning back.
It's stringent, but it's the truth; true productivity comes from not letting yourself indulge in guilty pleasures AT ALL. 
Of course, there's still room for breaks and such. PRODUCTIVE breaks, aka, not distractions. Exercise is honestly the only almost-foolproof form of resting your brain between bouts of productive assault that I can think of.

Well. That's all I have for you today. Go out there and assault your fear, interneters.

Oh, one more thing.
I have discovered the most unique brand of genius in a humble 20th century poet by the name of Charles Bukowski. I'm obsessed. Infatuated.

Read this:

And this:

Just soak it in. Reading his poetry is a significant experience.
Okay okay, I'm done. Peace ya'll.

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