Last year I made my first attempt at writing a novel in a month, taking part in the well-known (depending on who you ask) NaNoWriMo.
[If you're not familiar with it, here's a run-down: during the month of November, aspiring novelists who want to take on the challenge can make a free account that lets them track their progress on their novel. The goal is to finish 50,000 words in 30 days. Hit up if it sounds like your kind of thing.
The purpose is sheer creative output, absolutely subject to extensive revision later. It's a let-me-prove-to-myself-that-I-can-do-this-thing.]
Now, with November approaching, I'm frantically scrambling for novel ideas and feeling sort of writer-blocked before I even begin. Sort of like every little piece of the story has to be perfect before I'm allowed to begin, you know? Which is totally not true.
Some photos I came across really inspired my, and maybe they'll do the same for you.
Visual inspiration is a lot of fun and often very effective, even if you're not doing NaNoWriMo this year (or ever). Keep reading. These photos don't discriminate.
Take a look, and hopefully these artfully arranged pixels will help you increase your output of words, novelist or not. :)
Do me a favor, though. Scroll s l o w l y.
Artist: Noell S. Oszvald
Artist: Noell S. Oszvald
Artist: Laura Williams
Artist: Noell S. Oszvald
Artist: Murad Osmann
Artist: Katerina Plotnikova
Artist: Katerina Plotnikova
Artist: Brian Yen
Artist: Brian Yen
Artist: Martin Parr
Artist: Uda Dennie
Artist: Katerina Plotnikova
Let me know if you guys are into this kind of thing; if it helped even the smallest bit with your creative struggles, I can make more of this sort of post. It was really fun to do!
Enjoy loveliness
remember to