Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Inner Creative Demons- Thought Provoker #4

Good 10:54, folks!
Oh, something I've noticed is that the time displayed for my posts are off by about several hours. So when I write a post about being sleepy at 7 pm, it's really not 7 pm. I'm not THAT lame.
At least that's what I would like to hope.

Isn't it fun sometimes to just let your inner creative demon run free, running around scrawling sappy-descriptive passages that have no meaning whatsoever? Don't disregard these creative urges. Use them! Sometimes the most random, impromptu pieces of writing will spark a genius idea for something actually worthy of presenting to an audience (whether or not they're behind a computer screen).

Plus, for me at least, descriptions are just the most fun. I subconsciously do it in my head sometimes.
Hey, it's satisfying. Don't judge.

So, in celebration of all of our inner creative demons, today's thought provoker will be a picture! Have fun with it. You know you will.

night light installations (6)
This is the work of photographer Lee Eunyeol. No copyright infringement intended! 

Aaaand enjoy loveliness and remember to muse. :)

Saturday, August 25, 2012

WHY STRESS IS BAD because you really didn't know

Note: GIFs come from

Although I've only had 2 weeks of school, me and stress are like best buds now. Seriously. I overloaded myself on schoolwork and extracurriculars, and the most sleep I've gotten in two weeks is less than seven hours. No lie.
Which, by the way, may explain why this post is somewhat more grumpy and stupid than the rest.
Although I'll admit, that buttermilk post wins the stupidity prize, any day.

You're probably thinking, "Ew gross, I don't want to hear about this girl's anxiety problems." But I'm sharing this with you because I think I've finally figured it out.

How people become stressed:
You go on some sort of break.
You're relatively refreshed, whether you know it or not.
You come back to normal life and think, "Hey, I can handle this
and this
and this
and this
and this,
I'll just be like kind of a person who has everything and has it all togther.
I'll like learn from this experience or something.


^is this you?

...Because your refreshed and thoughtfully-ignorantly-planning-your-own-demise self has no idea what it will actually be like to do all those things you mentally (or maybe actually) signed yourself up for. Don't do this to yourself!
I know it can actually be really difficult to turn away from this self-over-estimation. Heck, I haven't even done it yet. All I can give you are some tips that sound like they came from a school planner.

Horrible Tips if You've Already Done the Above (like me)

Plan your time. Do it realistically. And by this I mean plan for times when you might get distracted if that's something that happens every day.

Get some priorities. When your schedule crunches your soul into a thousand tiny pieces, at least know which pieces you're going to save.

Refresh yourself. You brain is like a knife. You gotta sharpen it to increase it's efficiency!

I hope you enjoyed those tips that, quite frankly, made absolutely no sense. 
I need some sleep.
Goodnight and remember to museeeeeeeeee..................

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Back to Business

Hello again gorgeous internet strangers! Sorry that I haven't posted in an obscenely long period of see, I was at summer camp, and then I went to California, and then I *insert excuse here*, so that's why I didn't finish my summer homework. I MEAN POST ON MY BLOG IN A LONG TIME. If my summer homework taught me one thing, it's that denial ain't just a river in Egyt. (--Mark Twain). Also, try not to embrace your screwedness when you find yourself cramming or furiously doing something at some ungodly hour. No denial. No embracing the screwedness.

Yes, school has started. And it's just like I never left. Which I really didn't, given the 26 pounds of summer homework given to me by my lovely, demanding, get-no-sleep Georgia school. Man, I missed getting only five hours of sleep.


Anyway, my lazy bitterness aside, the start of the school year always gives me plenty of new thoughts to pretend to be occupied with. Something about being crammed into a low brick building for eight hours with 2700 strangers makes you think about people and how they act. So, without further ado, I present to you: My Thoughts During Five Minutes of School!

Time for third period!
Woah, look at her shirt! It's so pretty. Man, I wish I had a shirt like that.
We're supposed to write an essay by tomorrow?? YOU KIDDIN' ME WOMAN?!
Oh wait it's only a page. That's no too bad. But I'm gonna tell my little brother that it's an essay cause then he'll be scared for high school.

We're supposed to write about our identity? I DUNNO.
Who am I anyways?
HEY LOOK! Her hair is the exact color of a squirrel!
That is SO cool.
Oh yeah, essay. I wonder how people respond to their expectations. Do I work to become my expectations, or do I live to defy them?
...I'm kinda hungry.
I wonder if that girl's parents fight at home. Maybe they do and nobody knows.
Everybody has a secret.
WHAT'S YOURS? SECRET- deodorant.
HAHA that's not even how it goes.
Get out a sheet of paper? NOOOO that's too much work.
Hey I like this teacher, she's cool.
I wonder if she thinks our faces look funny when she's teaching us.
What are sponges made of?

I have to say, that's as accurate as it gets. Think what you may of it.

Enjoy school kiddos, or summer if it's still hanging around for you. Anddddd of course,
enjoy loveliness and remember to muse. :)